Wednesday 18 September 2019

The new Scotland shoe

Today we created a shoe for ourselves.
Once you have created your shoe you would take a photo on web cam timer and take a action photo of yourself running.
Then you would type up removebg and download your image and then you would receive a clean copy to put on a google drawing the main thing was to crop your shoe onto your foot.
Then your creativity can take place you could add a background and anything you desire.
But it had to have your rugby world cup colours or flag.
The first step was to polyline your shoe it could be any shoe of your desire.
Then once you have polylined your shoe you would colour your shoe in with your country's colours.
Im Scotland our colours for rugby are blue, white, and purple.
I also polylined the Scottish flag in black and placed it at the black of the shoe.

Tuesday 3 September 2019

What do you think of Scotland

Today I was learning to polyline and create. I also learned to cooperate through google drawing comments to communicate with my partner.
I enjoyed using new tools and that we based it on our learning in the classroom.
I found it challenging to use specific tools when it came to times were i knew a different way.
My digital learning object shows Jacks and my creation representing Scotland for our p.e teams for the rugby world cup.For our animal we decided we would go for a Loch ness monster, for our flower we went with a Thistle. And of course we had the Scottish flag.
Next time I would change or liked to of had a background of Scotland.