Friday 27 July 2018

Spooky writing trapped in a haunted room

Engulfed In tension.

I was laying in bed, immediately a creak echoed through the room.
( Suddenly shock struck me, petrifying me).
Cautiously tugging the sheets, squinting my eyes shut, my emotions drained away. (was I safe?)
Staring up at the pitch black ceiling, an emerging draft blew on my face, causing me to freeze. The door slammed, there was a pause.
I could see the moon outside disappearing behind a curtain of mist.
The tension pounded on  in my mind.  I felt something grip my arms and the room grumbled heavily.

I collapsed and felt myself being dragged along the floor.My skin ran away.  I had encountered a humongous alarming monster. A wave of anxiety washed through my body. The window shattered and shards of glass lay on the ground.  Screams jumped out of my mouth. I clambered to the door while footsteps were chasing me in time. Goose Bumps spread all over me.
A huge gust of roaring wind swept in making books fly and land on the damp ground. Unease turned into terror.  I gripped the door handle tight.
Furious voices snapped at me,I couldn’t fathom why. I swung  open the door open to expose the hallway. Shadows lurked behind me.                           
Image result for haunted houseThis is my spooky story.( I used some ideas of a book that we were reading in the Hub.( It was called Young Nicks Head, based around Gisborne. So we had to write a story about something really scary, anything we wanted. The story is about a girl who is trapped in a haunted room and she finally escapes the room.In my story i tried uses some detailed words or sentences like her enthusiasm drained away.
( that was my goal )


  1. Nice story melody i love the description and it gives you this tingling vibe

  2. i like the way you added detail


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