Thursday 6 June 2019

Can you divided numbers ? I know I can

So here is a explanation on how to divide,
Today I have explained how to do it with using screencastify and google drawings.
Our equation today is 320 divided by 80, I am going to break it down in easy steps so you can learn it and do along with me.
First step the equation, well you have the equation which is 320 divided by 80 then you are going to break it down and write it like this 320 divided by 10 divided by 8, you are probably wondering why have I done it this way because let me tell you it makes divided way easier to do.
You are doing it because it depends on what number you are dividing by in this case we are dividing in the 10s because your dividing by 80 .
Write a equals sigh underneath ( you always do your working out on the right side of your equal sighs) so in your head work out what is 320 divided by 10, so that equals 32,
so write 32 beside your equal sigh once you have done that you have to work out what i s32 divided by 8 which equals 4.
Remember were we are on your 2nd equal sigh and you have writing 32 divided by 8.
Last step is writ another equal sigh and once you have done that all you need to work out is what is 32 divided by 8 equals 4

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