Tuesday 19 June 2018

My mid year comments.

Child’s comments on Reading and Writing
At the begInnIng of the year my goal was organIsatIon.To be able to do paragraphs with ease and to lInk them from begInnIng and end.When we dId our wrItIng Mr.S marked me as level 6 for paragraphs which I thInk I have excelled. Now my new goal Is to use  punctuatIon throughout my sentences.But now I have accomplished organisation, I stIll thInk I can take it  to the next level.Even now that It Is a strength.My prevIous wrItIng has had lots of effort to try and IdentIfy everythIng that  I could and more that I can achIeve.I am tempted to verIfy my work and be more actIve  towards my work.I thInk I can develop some new skIlls as well and when I do I can be more flexIble wIth my learnIng

Child’s Comment 
My goal Is to break the 2:00 mInutes In basIc facts .My Idea was to do a decImal sheet to challenge me more because of my speed .To read the questIon more.
So I understand the meaning of the questIon so I can work It out wIthout havIng the need to change It. Our  adjust It.SometImes I can get stuck on a very sImple questIon that I do know but I can overthInk It because I am trying a bIt to hard  wIthIn the present tense.ThIs sometImes effects me because I then get sad that I can not do the answer.But It Is rIght In front of me.

Child’s Comment.  
ThIs year I thInk I have contrIbuted to lots of events.I have stepped out of my comfort zone more and have been expressIng myself more.I have been takIng advantage of my learnIng.ThIs year has gIven me heaps of great experIences that I  have commIted to.
I am understandIng what I have to do to engage my learnIng.I have been more dilIgent and prepared for my learnIng or anythIng really.

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